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Commission votes to restrict Kansas turkey hunting

Commission votes to restrict Kansas turkey hunting

Commission votes to restrict Kansas turkey hunting

Kansas Wildlife and Park commissioners voted to restrict turkey hunting across the state, including in areas where experts did not suggest any changes.

State biologists proposed two changes to help flight declining turkey populations across Kansas. These changes were meant for turkey units 3, 5, and 6. That includes Wichita and surrounding counties.

The first proposal called for reducing spring tag limits to one per person, from the current limit of two. The thought behind this was to help boost the number of hens to help regrow the state’s turkey population. This proposal passed unanimously and is set to take effect in spring of 2020. This will not impact turkey units 1 and 4.

The second proposal was much more complicated.

State biologists recommended suspending the fall turkey season for units 3, 5, and 6, for the years 2020 and 2021. Unit 4’s turkey season is closed anyway and unit 1 was not impacted by this proposal. Commission Chairman Gerald Lauber was against this recommendation and offered an amended proposal. Lauber’s amendment suggested that rather than suspend the fall season, it would be shortened to 41 days. This amendment also included unit 1 which was not the target of the original recommendation by state biologists. When commissioners were asked why unit 1 was included in the amended proposal no solid answer was given.

Against recommendations from state experts and the public, Lauber’s amended proposal passed 6-1.

The Commission will not meet again until January 9, 2020 in Iola, Kansas.

You can watch the November 14 meeting below. The turkey issues are discussed in part 2 of 3 of the recorded meeting.

November 14 Commission Meeting



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