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Applications Available for New Kansas Kids Lifetime Hunting, Fishing License

Applications Available for New Kansas Kids Lifetime Hunting, Fishing License

Applications Available for New Kansas Kids Lifetime Hunting, Fishing License


The Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks announced the application period for the state’s new lifetime hunting and fishing license for kids began on October 14th.

Any resident youth who is 7 years old or younger at the time of application will be eligible to have a Kansas lifetime hunting and fishing license purchased on their behalf at a reduced rate: $302.50 for those 5 and younger, and $502.50 for those 6 or 7 years old.

Paper applications can be downloaded here. Electronic applications will be available beginning January 2023.

Individuals wishing to purchase a Kansas Kids Lifetime Hunting and Fishing License for a youth should follow these tips:

  • An application must be completed for each child, including proof of Kansas Residency. Incomplete applications will be returned.
  • This calendar year only, KDWP will honor all eligible applications that are completed, submitted and postmarked by December 31, 2022, even if the child has recently “aged out.” After December 31, 2022, only resident youth who are 7 years old or younger at the time of application and postmarked date will be eligible.
  • Applications will be processed by Licensing staff in the order they are received. And applicants will be notified once their application is approved.
  • Due to the already reduced rate (compared to that of Kansas’ existing lifetime licenses), payment plans will not be available for the Kansas Kids Lifetime Hunting and Fishing License; Payment is due in full upon application.

Anyone born on or after July 1st, 1957 must be certified by an approved course in hunter education before they can legally hunt in Kansas, except that anyone 15 years old or younger may hunt without hunter education certification provided they are under the direct supervision of an adult 18 years old or older. The purchase of a Kansas Kids Lifetime Hunting and Fishing License does not eliminate this requirement.

For more information on the Kansas Kids Lifetime Hunting and Fishing License, including a downloadable PDF of frequently-asked questions, click here.

For more information on Kansas Hunter Education, including a list of all available courses, visit

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