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Wichita Transit Taking Over Shocker Bus Routes

Wichita Transit Taking Over Shocker Bus Routes

Wichita Transit Taking Over Shocker Bus Routes

Tentatively beginning on Monday, August 17th, Wichita Transit is assuming control of Shocker-centric bus routes.

There will be a total of four Wichita State University Routes:

Route 21A will serve as the Main Campus Circulator, which travels around the whole campus. It will run Monday through Friday from 7:30am to 7pm.

Route 202A with service to and from the Main Campus and the Eugene H. Hughes Metroplex. It will run from Mike Oatman Drive, to 21st and Oliver, continuing to the Metroplex. It will run every 25 minutes from 7:30am to 10pm, Monday through Friday.

Route 21 will connect to WSU Tech–running every 45 minutes from 5am until 7pm Monday through Friday, and every hour from 6:15am to 6pm on Saturdays. This route connects the main campus to the Wichita Downtown Transit Center, with transfer service to other downtown locations as well as several WSU and WSU Tech campuses.

Route 202 connects to WSU South near Harry and Oliver as well as the Metroplex. It will run hourly Monday through Friday from 6:30am to 10pm.

Each bus will be battery powered come October, and will be equipped with free Wifi, wheelchair accessibility, and up to 3 bicycle racks.


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